In the turmoil of buying and selling a home, there is one document which I consider the most useful but often overlooked ‘just in case’ form.
The TA6 Property Information Form which, as the seller you complete, provides comprehensive information about the property. There are other TA forms which may also be useful (such as the TA10 Fittings and Contents form which covers mainly contents or the TA7 Leasehold Information Form) but the TA6 is the place to start.
Many of my clients look at these forms and feel completely overwhelmed. They are quite long-winded and if incorrect can have serious consequences so it does take some time to complete them. However, if you can find your TA6 from when you purchased your property then it just becomes an updating exercise – so much easier!
So why is the TA6 form an important part of setting up your Justin Case Property Plan? Because it provides you with valuable information about your new property such as:
Boundary information: If a boundary fence falls down you will know who is responsible.
Building Guarantees: You can make a note of what guarantees you have and when they expire.
Previous Insurance Claims: You may need this for your household insurance.
Environmental issues: Being aware if your property is at risk of things like flooding means you can plan and prepare in case the worst should happen.
Rights of Way (ROW) across the property: understanding your duty of care in maintaining the ROW as well as ensuring you have the correct insurance in place.
Parking: Where you can park and visitor parking rules.
Annual charges: when charges such as ground rent or service charges may be due.
Your household services: Are your services provided by a public utility company or a private landowner (e,g, such as with a borehole)? You need to know who to call in an emergency, what and when you need to make payments and any maintenance you are responsible for. In the case of a borehole, you will have a septic tank that will need regular emptying.
My advice when people purchase their home is to sit down and go through your TA6 and extract this information into your Justin Case Property Plan.
This ‘tedious’ document now becomes a key part of you staying one step ahead of the unexpected! Brilliant!