When your business takes you away from home and often abroad it can become difficult to keep track of what is happening at home. This was the dilemma my client found himself in. With a number of different companies to manage and an expanding business that took him away from the UK for large periods of time things were beginning to slip. Success was bringing it’s own headaches and he wanted a different approach.
Strictly became the missing link. We collected mail and kept an eye on his house. We handled any urgent business on his behalf, liaised with utility companies, banks, made pay
ments and did any research or negotiations on his behalf.
With the emergence of cloud technology we are starting to introduce systems that will enable him to deal with a lot of this even when away from home although we will always be able to step in should that be needed.
What our client thinks…
“a completely trustworthy and discreet and confidential service and I would have absolutely no hesitation in recommending her. A priceless service!”
Mr W
Resources used
- Dropbox
- Excel for financial analysis
- Shared calendar
- 3rd party approvals
Price guide
- Average monthly payment: £150.00