WHAM – or as I like to think of it – What Happened Affected Me
We all have WHAMs in our lives – the unexpected, the unavoidable –the things that affect and in some cases completely change the course of our lives life for good or bad. Death, divorce, illness, new family, promotion, redundancy, relocation, revelation.
How we choose to organise our lives – personally and professionally has a direct impact on how we manage the WHAMs when they hit us.
I think of it like a game of Jenga – remove your support blocks in a random fashion and a WHAM causes a complete collapse. But keep the support structure intact and the WHAM becomes manageable and gives you more resources to cope.
By taking control of the trivial and tiny details and ensuring they run smoothly we can protect ourselves from bad WHAMs and be ready to grasp the opportunities offered by good WHAMs.